Study Aids Books

Fahrenheit 451 (Reissue)

Ray Bradbury



William Shakespeare


All Quiet on the Western Front

Erich Maria Remarque


The Metamorphosis: And Other Stories

Franz Kafka


The Prophet


Jane Eyre

Charlotte Brontë



Marcus Aurelius


Beyond Good and Evil

Friedrich Nietzsche


The Art of War



Fiske Guide to Colleges 2025 (Revised)

Edward B. Fiske


The Crucible: (Penguin Orange Collection)

Arthur Miller


A Tale of Two Cities

Charles Dickens


A Midsummer Night's Dream

William Shakespeare


As You Like It

William Shakespeare


Make It Stick: The Science of Successful Learning

Mark A. McDaniel, Henry L. Roediger, et al.


The Tragedy of Hamlet: Prince of Denmark

William Shakespeare


Romeo and Juliet: No Fear Shakespeare Side-By-Side Plain...

William Shakespeare and Sparknotes


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