History Books

Jerusalem: The Biography

Simon Sebag Montefiore


The Cross and the Lynching Tree

James H. Cone


When God Was a Woman

Merlin Stone


Inexplicable Joy: On the Heart Sutra

Susan Piver


Palestine: A Four Thousand Year History

Nur Masalha


A Severe Mercy

Sheldon Vanauken


The Gnostic Gospels

Elaine Pagels


Myth of Persecution PB

Candida Moss


The Nag Hammadi Scriptures: The Revised and Updated...

Marvin W. Meyer and James M. Robinson


Black Boy

Richard Wright


The Poetic Edda

Carolyne Larrington


The Cross and the Switchblade: The True Story of One Man's...

David Wilkerson, John Sherrill, et al.


Spiritualism's Place: Reformers, Seekers, and Séances in Lily...

Marissa C. Rhodes, Averill Earls, et al.


The Gnostic Gospels: Including the Gospel of Thomas, the...

Vrej Nersessian and Alan Jacobs


The Evolution of God

Robert Wright
