Ancient Mysteries & Controversial Knowledge Books

The Truth in the Light: An Investigation of Over 300...

Peter Fenwick and Elizabeth Fenwick


The Mary Magdalene Oracle: A 44-Card Deck & Guidebook of...

Meggan Watterson and Moonjube


The Convoluted Universe: Book One

Dolores Cannon


Behold a Pale Horse (Revised)

William Cooper


The Emerald Tablets of Thoth the Atlantean

Thoth The Atlantean


12th Planet: Book I of the Earth Chronicles

Zecharia Sitchin





The Kybalion: Centenary Edition

Three Initiates


Jesus and the Essenes

Dolores Cannon


The Book of Hermetica: The Three Essential Texts: The Corpus...

Three Initiates and Hermes Trismegistus


Elements: Chaos, Order and the Five Elemental Forces

Stephen Ellcock


Psychic Literacy: & the Coming Psychic Renaissance

Brian Lord and Ingo Swann
