European - Italian Books

The Basic Laws of Human Stupidity

Carlo M. Cipolla


Dante's Divine Comedy: A Biography

Joseph Luzzi


The Decameron

Giovanni Boccaccio



Dante Alighieri


Travels in HyperReality

Umberto Eco


Italian Neorealism: A Cultural History

Charles L. Leavitt IV


The Paradiso

Dante Alighieri


Reading Dante

Giuseppe Mazzotta


The Written World and the Unwritten World: Essays

Italo Calvino


The Road to Middle-Earth

Tom Shippey and T. a. Shippey


Elena Ferrante's Neapolitan Novels: Bookmarked

Gina Frangello


The Periodic Table: A Memoir

Primo Levi


The Divine Mimesis

Pier Paolo Pasolini


Kairós: In Defence of 'Due Time'

Giacomo Marramao


The Figure of Beatrice - A Study in Dante

Charles Williams
