Regional - Middle Atlantic (DC, DE, MD, NJ, NY, PA) Books

The Northeast Native Plant Primer: 235 Plants for an...

Uli Lorimer and Native Plant Trust


Weeds of the Northeast

Richard H. Uva, Antonio Ditommaso, et al.


Pennsylvania Month-By-Month Gardening: What to Do Each Month...

George Weigel and Liz Ball


Private Gardens of Philadelphia

Nicole Juday


Best Garden Plants for New Jersey

Alison Beck and Lorraine Kiefer


Perennials for Pennsylvania

Alison Beck and Ilene Sternberg


Deer-Resistant Native Plants for the Northeast

Ruth Rogers Clausen and Gregory D Tepper


Designing Gardens with Flora of the American East, Revised...

Carolyn Summers and Kate Brittenham


Northwest, Including British Columbia (Green)

Roger Holmes and Don Marshall


Best Garden Plants for Pennsylvania

Alison Beck and Ilene Sternberg


Best Garden Plants for New York State

Maria Cinque and Alison Beck


Grow Great Vegetables in Pennsylvania

Marie Iannotti


Fugitive Gardens

Claire Tuna


New York/Mid-Atlantic Gardener's Book of Lists

Bonnie Lee Appleton and Lois Trigg Chaplin


Grow Great Vegetables in New Jersey

Marie Iannotti
