Teaching Methods & Materials - Social Science Books

Democracy and Education

John Dewey


The Historian's Craft

Marc Bloch


Lessons from Turtle Island: Native Curriculum in Early...

Sally Moomaw and Guy W. Jones


Teaching Critically about Lewis and Clark: Challenging...

Leilani Sabzalian, Alison Schmitke, et al.


Civics for the World to Come: Committing to Democracy in...

Antero Garcia and Nicole Mirra


Greek Myth Plays, Grades 3-5: 10 Readers Theater Scripts...

Carol Pugliano-Martin and Carol Pugliano


Mapping the World with Art

Ellen Johnston McHenry


Eas: Educating All Students

Certification Specialists


From Story to Judgment: The Four Question Method for Teaching...

Jonathan Bassett and Gary Shiffman


Atlas of World Geography

Rand McNally


Teaching Men of Color in the Community College: A Guidebook

J. Luke Edd Wood, Khalid Edd White, et al.


Teaching Social Studies Today

Kathleen Kopp


Daily Geography Practice Grade 3: EMC 3712 (Teacher)

Evan-Moor Educational Publishers
