Organizational Development Books
Move Fast and Fix Things: The Trusted Leader's Guide to...
Anne Morriss and Frances Frei
Reinventing Organizations: An Illustrated Invitation to Join...
Frederic Laloux and Etienne Appert
Making the Ask: The Artful Science of High-Value Fundraising
Clare Segal and Bernard Ross
Our Iceberg Is Melting: Changing and Succeeding Under Any...
Holger Rathgeber and John Kotter
The Surprising Power of Liberating Structures: Simple Rules...
Henri Lipmanowicz and Keith McCandless
Hbr's 10 Must Reads on Leading Digital Transformation (with...
Harvard Business Review, Michael E. Porter, et al.
Polarity Intelligence: The Missing Logic in Leadership
Tracy Christopherson and Michelle Troseth
Illuminate: Ignite Change Through Speeches, Stories,...
Nancy Duarte and Patti Sanchez