Reference Books

101 Things I Learned in Architecture School

Matthew Frederick


Atlas of Never Built Architecture

Greg Goldin and Sam Lubell


The Ten Books on Architecture: Volume 1



Aia Guide to Chicago

American Institute of Architects Chicago


Buildings for Books: Contemporary Library Architecture

Chris Van Uffelen


The Seven Lamps of Architecture

John Ruskin


Siteless: 1001 Building Forms

Francois Blanciak


Case Study Houses

Elizabeth A. T. Smith


The Architecture Book



Structures: Or Why Things Don't Fall Down

J. E. Gordon


The Barefoot Architect

Johan Van Lengen


Modern Architecture A-Z


Koolhaas. Elements of Architecture

Rem Koolhaas


50 Architecture Ideas You Really Need to Know

Philip Wilkinson


Get Your House Right: Architectural Elements to Use & Avoid

Marianne Cusato, Ben Pentreath, et al.


The Home Office Reimagined: Spaces to Think, Reflect, Work,...

James Moore McCown and Oscar Riera Ojeda
