Architecture Books

Pretty Good House

Christopher Briley, Michael Maines, et al.


Cabin: Off the Grid Adventures with a Clueless Craftsman

Patrick Hutchison



Lauren Markham


Emergent Tokyo: Designing the Spontaneous City

Jorge Almazán, Naoki Saito, et al.


California Coastal: Seaside Living from Sea Ranch to San Diego

Chase Reynolds Ewald and Heather Sandy Hebert


Feng Shui Modern

Cliff Tan and Dura Lee


The Poetics of Space (Revised)

Gaston Bachelard


Geography of Nowhere: The Rise and Declineof America's...

James Howard Kunstler


A Pattern Language: Towns, Buildings, Construction

Christopher Alexander


The Death and Life of Great American Cities

Jane Jacobs


The Art of Japanese Joinery

Kiyosi Seike


The Bright Ages: A New History of Medieval Europe

Matthew Gabriele and David M. Perry


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