Rain Taxi
Currently celebrating its 27th year, Rain Taxi is a magazine with a mission: to champion aesthetically adventurous literature. Our main vehicle is the print quarterly Rain Taxi Review of Books and its corollary Online Edition, which each have unique material that connects readers to worthy books that might otherwise get overlooked. With coverage of fiction, poetry, nonfiction, art, graphic novels, translations, and more, Rain Taxi exists for readers and writers, literary publishers of all shapes and sizes, booksellers, educators, and kindred spirits who want books to keep flourishing in a distracted society. Rain Taxi also organizes a lively event series and the annual Twin Cities Book Festival, both of which provide a public celebration of the literary arts; maintains the Twin Cities Literary Calendar, which lists all events happening in our hometown; and publishes original creative works via chapbooks and broadsides. In all our programs, we are committed to artistic diversity, cultural relevance, and widespread access.