Nicholas Kaufmann
Nicholas Kaufmann is the critically acclaimed author of numerous works, including the Bram Stoker Award-nominated General Slocum’s Gold, the Thriller Award-nominated and Shirley Jackson Award-nominated Chasing the Dragon, Still Life: Nine Stories, Dying Is My Business, Die and Stay Dead, In the Shadow of the Axe, the bestselling, Dragon Award-nominated 100 Fathoms Below, co-written with Steven L. Kent, and The Hungry Earth. In addition to his own original work, he has written for such properties as Zombies vs. Robots, The Rocketeer, and Warhammer. His short fiction has appeared in Cemetery Dance, Black Static, Nightmare Magazine, Interzone, and others. He also hosts the popular book blog The Scariest Part, in which authors share what scared them the most about writing their newly released works of horror, suspense, dark fantasy, and dark science fiction. He lives in Brooklyn, NY.

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