Gilbert and Ivy
Gilbert and Ivy is an independent bookstore with a passion for story, learning, creativity and community service. We engage visitors in a unique experience of words and story. Visit us in our NEW LOCATION at 1oo South Main Street in Vicksburg, Michigan in March 2024. STORE HOURS: TU, TH, FR 10:00 am - 3:00 pm; WE 10:00 am - 6:00 pm and SA 10:00 am - 2:00 pm Contact us at 269.475.5747 or email [email protected]
Gilbert and Ivy
This Week's Featured Pick!
Gilbert and Ivy
Gilbert and Ivy's Very Own Book Club
Gilbert and Ivy
Gilbert's Recent Reads
Gilbert and Ivy
SASS - Summer Author Speaker Series
Gilbert and Ivy
Supporting Social and Emotional Learning in Children
Gilbert and Ivy