Episcopal Actors' Guild
Hello! We are the Episcopal Actors' Guild (EAG), a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization. Our mission is to provide emergency aid and support to professional performers of all faiths and none who are undergoing financial crisis. We are also dedicated to helping emerging artists advance their careers through scholarships, awards, and performance opportunities.
And we have a book club! Broadway Book Club meets once every two months (in-person when we can, but there is always a virtual option) to discuss the chosen book. All of the books we read are fictional stories that revolve around the performing arts. Take a look at our list to see all of the books we've read so far, as well as the book we are currently reading!
Our next list is inspired by Sustainable Conversations, our forum where members of our community gathered together virtually every month from August 2020-January 2024 to discuss race and racism in the arts. More often than not while we talked, great works of relevant literature popped up as suggested readings! You can find them in our Sustainable Conversations list below.
We also have curated a list that stems from our Intentional Artists participants. Each week, this accountability group meets online to practice creativity, often using books like everyone's favorite, The Artist's Way, to guide us.
Last, EAG members are a multi-talented bunch. We have a few published authors in our mix, so we've compiled the works of these writers into our Books Written By or Starring EAG Members list.
Everyone is invited to join any of our groups! Just visit actorsguild.org/calendar for more info.