A collection of essays filled with humor, satire, and engaging irreverence, occasionally casting a point.
We decided one of the lighthearted points of this collection is to make you possibly laugh, or giggle, preferably right when you're taking a drink of say carbonated water so it comes out your nose.
The other lighthearted point is to make you laugh at work so you get in trouble with some authority figure. When was the last time you were in trouble? Come on, live a little.
(What would be incredible is if liquid came out your nose at work from laughing, resulting in you getting in trouble.)
With humor, you can tell the truth...
...and the purpose of satire is to make those in power uncomfortable, really uncomfortable, to the point they say, "This has to stop."
About the Author
Patrick McNerthney is the founding member of Outcasting, a creative services organization with a penchant for petty vandalism and exaggeration. He grew up thinking Mexico was spelled Nexico until his sisters pointed out his erroneous ways. He's rarely seen in public without other members of Outcasting, as requested by the troupe's court-appointed counsel, as well as their A&R rep, the latter of which is a strange anomaly considering they aren't a band, and certainly don't know how to play musical instruments, or carry a tune. They've written 79 books - although Patrick assumes credit for all of them, as he's wont to do, despite everyone's collective annoyance - the most recent of which is The Future Will Not Involve Underwear. No, that's not right, the most recent of which is in your hand right now, or possibly on a screen. Come on now, pay attention.
Michi Mathias enjoys using illustration to make complicated things clear and creating observational comics to convey random aspects of real life. After a distant past of trying to draw "properly," her work has now veered toward a somewhat wonky style, using old-fashioned ink and watercolour on paper.