Nurturing our Humanity upends the very core of our notion that humanity is, at heart, violent and greedy. Human nature holds just as much potential for caring and partnership as war and domination. Knowing that changes everything." -- Abigail Disney, President & CEO, Fork Films, director/creator of
Pray the Devil Back to Hell and the PBS series
Women, War, & Peace"In a world that feels ever more dangerous, divided, and out of balance,
Nurturing Our Humanity outlines the roadmap for how we raise a healthier generation of children and move away from a punitive and domination based society to a world that leads with partnership-where empathy, care, and community are valued above all, and each can fulfill our full human potential." -- Jennifer Siebel Newsom, First Partner of California, Filmmaker,
Miss Representation,
The Mask you Live In,
The Great American Lie"This is the book for our time! Eisler and Fry have put their minds and hearts together to provide an integrative vision of how humanity's cooperative nature can be nurtured and supported... Everyone should read this book... so together we can re-envision our future!" -- Darcia Narvaez, Professor of Psychology, University of Notre Dame
"This fearless, beautiful, and very timely book is a radical reminder that humanity's truest nature is oriented toward love, partnership, gender equality, and peace. It is essential and transformative reading for every policymaker, philanthropist, activist, and change-maker interested in a more just, balanced, and peaceful world." -- Jennifer Buffett, Co-President, NoVo Foundation
"This path-breaking book goes beyond the conventional divides hurting today's civilizations... It is essential that the virtues of partnership get stronger and the vices of domination are controlled." -- Ernst von Weizsäcker, Honorary President, Club of Rome
Nurturing Our Humanity explores the capacity for human happiness and its relationship to the development of sustainable cultures at a political and environmental point in history when we need it the most." -- James McClintock, Author,
Lost Antarctica"Eisler and Fry show how we lived without war thousands of years ago, and how we can do so again. This groundbreaking book should be required reading for all world leaders and decision makers." -- Sarah Parcak, Author,
Archaeology from Space"The central message of this hugely important and widely referenced book could not be more timely...I urge you to read this seminal cultural contribution for yourselves." -- David Lorimer,
Paradigm Explorer"What does it mean to be human? And how can we construct a sustainable world where we might all flourish? This book addresses these universal questions at our particular historical moment of anxiety and uncertainty about the future, offering a counter-narrative to the outburst of dystopias over the past few decades...it makes a persuasive case for adopting a new narrative about human beings and human possibilities. It contains a message of hope for the future, a future which is dependent on the choices we make now." -- Coral Ann Howells, Professor Emerita of English and Canadian Literature, University of Reading,
Le Simplegadi