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Product Details
Publisher | Haymarket Books |
Publish Date | June 13, 2017 |
Pages | 288 |
Language | English |
Type | |
EAN/UPC | 9781642591071 |
Dimensions | 0.0 X 0.0 X 0.0 inches | 1.1 pounds |
About the Author
"Naomi Klein is magnificent, and in No Is Not Enough, she has forged a courageous coruscating counter-spell against the hegemonic nightmare that, if left unchecked, will devour us all."
--Junot Díaz, author, The Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao
"Naomi Klein is a critically important thought-leader in these perilous times, a necessary voice as a courageous movement of movements rises from the ashes of the last election cycle. No Is Not Enough tells a compelling story about where we are, how we got here, and what we should do now. The book is a genuine page-turner--highly engaging and provocative--and provides a fascinating lens through which we can view our current moment. Klein is not preaching to the choir, but framing the moment, connecting necessary dots, and outlining the challenge that lies ahead in clear terms that anyone can understand."
--Michelle Alexander, author, The New Jim Crow: Mass Incarceration in the Age of Colorblindness
"Naomi Klein is one of the few revolutionary public intellectuals of great integrity and vision. This new book confirms her crucial relevance and essential pertinence."
--Cornel West, author, Race Matters
"Urgent, timely, and necessary."
--Noam Chomsky, Institute Professor (Emeritus), MIT
"A blueprint for combating Trumpism and the corporatist policies of his predecessors that made his rise possible. With a genuine sense of hope, Naomi Klein illuminates paths to collectively forge an ecologically sound, anticapitalist order."
--Publishers Weekly (Starred Review)
"In No Is Not Enough, Naomi Klein anatomises the roots of Trump in the already dystopian world of corporate-ruled America and predicts the "end run around democracy". A clear and readable guide to action, if it is action you are contemplating."
--Paul Mason, The Guardian
"Klein moves beyond mere outrage and hand-wringing to offer a practical manifesto for opposition."
--Financial Times
"Naomi Klein shows us that the monstrosity of Donald Trump has not occurred in a vacuum but is the culmination of decades of unchecked economic inequality, racism, militarism, and war. As the shock of Trump as president gives way to anger and the determination to fight, No Is Not Enough makes an urgent intervention in emerging movements. It will take more than 'resistance' to beat Trumpism. We need history, politics, strategy, and, most importantly, the optimism that another world is possible. Klein has made a critical contribution to the developing opposition to Trump and the economic disorder that produced him."
--Keeanga-Yamahtta Taylor, author, From #BlackLivesMatter to Black Liberation
"If you're wondering how Naomi Klein has managed to produce an essential and gripping book so early in the Trump presidency, it's because she's spent her whole intellectual life preparing for just this moment. Trump is the ultimate logo. Every day we watch him try to exploit yet another shock to the system. So this is the book to read--not just the first word on Trump, but in powerful ways the last word as well."
--Bill McKibben, author, Oil and Honey: The Education of an Unlikely Activist
"Naomi Klein has written an ordinary person's guide to hope. Read this book."
--Arundhati Roy, author, The End of Imagination
"No Is Not Enough manages to be that rare thing in political writing: both rousing and profoundly sensible. It is brilliant."
--Laurie Penny, The New Statesman
"[A]nyone struggling for a place to even start making sense of Trump, and Trumpism, will find a book abounding in insight... Without lapsing into corny cheeriness or the puffed-up cant of centrist political cliché ("Love Trumps Hate!"), Naomi Klein holds out a cautious hope for the despairing age: an honest, prescriptive belief that people can unite in their opposition to Trumpism to build a better world."
--The Globe and Mail
"Klein's background and expertise allow her to pull together the disparate threads of what it would be misleading to call "Trumpism", if only because of the unwarranted suggestion of system and control. She insists, rightly in my view, that there is a need to promote a positive alternative social vision, and that ostensibly "utopian" aims and proposals are a way to avoid being caught in a politics that is merely reactive or timidly reformist."
--Hari Kunzru, The Guardian
"No Is Not Enough is the absolute must-read book of the Trump era. Naomi Klein lays out exactly what we need to know about how we got here, and ends with a clarion call to channel our despair and outrage into action. This book is inspiring and energy-giving. Like a little sun."
--Emma Thompson
"Saying No to their shock doctrine is essential but insufficient. Naomi Klein's new book incites us brilliantly to stiffen our lip, to overcome quickly their calculated shocks, and to interweave our No with a programmatic Yes. It is a manual for emancipation by means of the only weapon we have against orchestrated misanthropy: constructive disobedience."
--Yanis Varoufakis, DiEM25 co-founder, Professor of Economic Theory, University of Athens
"Naomi Klein's books are ceaselessly illuminating, daring, and indispensable. As accessible as it is brilliant, No Is Not Enough is an essential blueprint for a worldwide counter-attack against right-wing corporate hegemony."
--Owen Jones, author, The Establishment: And How They Get Away with It
"From No Logo to The Shock Doctrine to This Changes Everything, Naomi Klein's books have charted the harmful impact of surging corporate power on culture, jobs, peace, and the planet. In our current hellish situation, who better than Naomi to make sense of this madness, and help us find a way out? This book is a top-of-the-stack summer must-read."
--Michael Stipe, musician
"No Is Not Enough is Naomi Klein 2.0. It is the accumulation of years of brilliant and layered analysis applied with lightning precision to an understanding of how we got to Trump, and how we can use this moment to bring about another system and world. It is a potent stand for No--and a compelling vision of the Yes to come."
--Eve Ensler, author, In the Body of the World
"Naomi Klein has written a compelling book that we all need to read and act on. No Is Not Enough is an essential handbook for all people, especially young people, who want to understand the economic, social, and political forces that produced the current crisis we are facing--and how we can effectively organize to win a better world."
--Danny Glover, actor
"Naomi Klein constructs a common story that allows us to withstand the effects of being shocked. We can act upon that, with intelligence and happiness, to recover our world and the use of adjectives."
--Gael García Bernal, actor
"The desire to radically challenge capitalism is widespread and growing. Klein's new book is an important contribution to that project."
--Nicole M. Aschoff, Jacobin
"A useful volume in the fast-growing library of resistance."
--Kirkus Reviews
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