Meet Cuvier's beaked whale, a mammal that holds the record for holding its breath underwater-- 3 hours, 42 minutes! Giant kelp, which can grow up to 2 feet every day-- that's right, 2 feet! And the ancient coelacanth--often called a "living fossil"--which has changed very little in 400 million years and was once assumed to be extinct. With bold illustrations, each card in Fandex Kids: Oceans includes information about the creature's size, habits and habitat, plus bonus Fin Facts.
Product Details
Publisher | Workman Kids |
Publish Date | July 05, 2022 |
Pages | 53 |
Language | English |
Type | |
EAN/UPC | 9781523512089 |
Dimensions | 9.1 X 3.2 X 0.9 inches | 0.6 pounds |
About the Author
Workman Publishing is a New York-based publisher of award-winning nonfiction for adults and children.
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