Los Ángeles de Adriana
Dos ángeles, Milagros y Alegría, ejercen su poder protector a escondidas y a veces con un toque de humor, siguiendo constantemente la dirección de Dios mientras cuidan a una niña llamada Adriana. La pequeña protagonista y su familia se ven obligadas a dejar su hogar en Colombia y empezar una nueva vida en Chicago. Durante tiempos difíciles, transiciones grandes y momentos ordinarios de la niñez, los ángeles de Adriana le susurran mensajes acerca de la presencia y el amor de Dios.
Los ángeles de Adriana estimula la fe, imaginación, curiosidad y empatía. Los niños que leen o escuchan esta historia crecerán en la comprensión de sus compañeros refugiados o inmigrantes. Su sentido del cuidado atento de Dios por ellos y por otros se profundizará, especialmente conociendo la labor entrañable de los ángeles mientras Adriana duerme. Los ninos que han vivido situaciones traumáticas frecuentemente las reviven de noche --por eso es profundamente importante la misteriosa obra sanadora del Espíritu Santo durante el sueño.
Two angels, Milagros (Miracles) and Alegria (Joy), wield their protective power surreptitiously and sometimes with a hint of humor, listening constantly for God's direction as they watch over a little girl named Adriana. Adriana and her family are forced to flee their home in Colombia and start a new life in Chicago. Throughout difficult times, big transitions, and the ordinary moments of childhood, Adriana's angels whisper messages of God's love and presence.
Adriana's Angels encourages faith, wonder, and compassion. Many children who read or hear this story will grow in empathy toward refugee and other immigrant peers. Their sense of God's attentive care will deepen, particularly as they witness the angels' ministry to Adriana while she sleeps. Children who have experienced trauma often relive it unconsciously at night which is why the Spirit's mysterious healing work in sleep is so important.
Los ángeles de Adriana is a 2017 Moonbeam Children's Book Awards winner-a contest intended to bring increased recognition to exemplary children's books and their creators, and to support childhood literacy and life-long reading.
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Become an affiliateRuth Goring is a poet, visual artist, and book editor who grew up in Colombia. Her first picture book was Adriana's Angels (Sparkhouse Family), published in Spanish as Los angeles de Adriana, which won a silver Moonbeam Award.
Other publications include two books of poetry, Soap Is Political (Glass Lyre) and Yellow Doors (WordFarm), and several Bible study guides, including Heart Renewal (WaterBrook) and Singleness (InterVarsity Press). Ruth is a senior manuscript editor at University of Chicago Press and teaches in the Graham School's editing certificate program.
Erika Meza migrated from Mexico in 2013, leaving behind her family, friends and her favorite food. She lived in a dungeon with a ghosts-and-ghouls-painting princess, learned how to tell stories, then found and lost a spotted dog in Paris, where she attended school. She finally crossed the France-UK border and settled down in London, where she lives in a small flat and works as an author and illustrator, aided by her cat who tries to leave inky paw prints on her work. She tries to go back home often, at the border of Tijuana and San Diego, where her book was born.
"Con una narrativa encantadora e imgenes evocadoras, Los ngeles de Adriana demuestra el tierno cuidado de Dios por los nios y las nias entre los millones de refugiados en el mundo de hoy. Accesible incluso a los ms jvenes, este cuento basado en una historia real ser instructivo y consolador para todas las edades." -- J. Nelson Kraybill "presidente, Mennonite World Conference"
"Qu hermoso libro! En estas pocas pginas gloriosas, los nios obtienen un cuadro asombroso de la proteccin y provisin de Dios, as como una historia que seguramente suscitar importantes conversaciones sobre cmo enfrentar temores, dar la bienvenida a extraos, amar a los dems --y cmo nuestro Dios bueno nos sostiene da en da." -- Caryn Rivadeneira "autora de Gracia y Gracia: Mujeres heroicas de la Biblia"
"Un relato tierno que cualquier nio en un lugar nuevo o extrao encontrar reconfortante." -- Dave y Neta Jackson "autores de las series Trailblazer, Yada Yada Prayer Group y Windy City Neighbors"
"Los ngeles de Adriana es una narrativa atractiva con ilustraciones hipnotizantes. Cuenta una historia de fe, desde el punto de vista de una nia pequea, de un viaje desde la Amrica Latina al asilo en Chicago, ciudad que por mucho tiempo ha servido de destino para aquellos que buscan oportunidad." -- Curtiss Paul DeYoung "anterior director ejecutivo de Community Renewal Society, Chicago"
"Meza's vivid cartoon illustrations, particularly the statuesque angels and their resplendent wings, provide welcome brightness in a story that doesn't sugarcoat the difficulties of adjusting to a new country and culture." -- Publishers Weekly "Publishers Weekly"