By Pink Wave Books & Café
Ally Sands
Stephanie Rose Bird
Linda Kay Klein
Enfys J. Book,
Christopher Penczak
Luisah Teish
A refreshed edition of Jambalaya: The Natural Woman’s Book of Personal Charms and Practical Rituals—updated with a note from the author sharing the changes that have occurred in the 30 years since its original publication. "A book of startling remembrances, revelations, directives, and imperatives, filled with the mysticism, wisdom, and common sense of the African religion of the Mother. It should be read with the same open-minded love with which it was written."—Alice Walker, author of The Color Purple Since its original publication in 1985, Jambalaya has become a classic among Women’s Spirituality Educators, practitioners of traditional Africana religions, environmental activists, and cultural creatives. A mix of memoir, spiritual teachings, and practices from Afro-American traditions such as Ifa/Orisha, and New Orleans Voudou, it offers a fascinating introduction to the world of nature-based spirituality, Goddess worship, and rituals from the African diaspora. More relevant today than it was 36 years ago, the wisdom of Jambalaya reconnects us to the natural and spiritual world, and the centuries-old traditions of African ancestors, whose voices echo through time, guiding us and blending with our own.
Edain McCoy
Unleash your inner warrior and embrace a timeless vision of the divine: strong, courageous, feminine. Craft your own spiritual practice centered firmly in the Celtic mystical tradition. In this book you'll discover how any woman can awaken the Goddess spirit and release the wisdom and magick that is her birthright.
Mary Faulkner,
Patricia Monaghan
From the inside scoop on goddesses, Amazons, and ancient matriarchal societies, to feminist theology and pagan rituals--Women's Spirituality offers a comprehensive survey of what is happening in women's spirituality today. Mary Faulkner also provides a sweeping historical and social overview of women's spiritual experience from the dawn of civilization to present day: Goddesses, amazons, priestesses, and Magic The history of early matriarchal societies Ecofeminism Pagan and New Age rituals Wiccan, Celtic, Jewish, Christian, native peoples, and other spiritual traditions Faulkner also highlights the work of well-known writers, theologians, and academics who have contributed to the field, including Barbara Walker, Marija Gimbutas, Luisah Teish, Starhawk, Alice Walker, Rosemary Ruether, Elizabeth Cady Stanton, Sallie McFague, Mary Daly, Judith Plaskow, Carol Christ, Sue Monk Kidd, and many more. For the novice, adept, or the simply curious, this book offers both a sweeping history and an inside view of one of the most profound movements and moving religious impulses of today.
Cynthia B. Dillard,
Johnson, Richard Greggory, III,
Rochelle Brock
Feminist research has both held and contested experience as a category of epistemological importance, often as a secular notion. However, spirituality and sacred knowing are also fundamental to a Black/endarkened feminist epistemology in teaching and research, given the historical and cultural experiences of African ascendant women worldwide. How can (re)membering bear witness to our individual and collective spiritual consciousness and generate new questions that inform feminist theory and practice? Learning to (Re)member the Things We’ve Learned to Forget explores that question. Theorizing through sites and journeys across the globe and particularly in Ghana, West Africa, this book explores how spirituality, location, experience, and cultural memory engage and create an endarkened feminist subjectivity that can (re)member, opening possibilities for research and teaching that honors the wisdom, history, and cultural productions of African diasporic women particularly and persons of African heritage generally.
Trista Hendren,
Tamara Albanna,
Pat Daly
Travel through time and discover a world where the fullness of women was both admired and deified. Reclaim your beautiful Goddess body through the rich pages of this powerful collection of art, poetry and essays celebrating our divine inheritance as daughters of Willendorf. With contributions from: Alyscia Cunningham, Amber Quinonez, Anique Radiant Heart, Annie Caplan, Kohenet Annie Matan, Arlene Bailey, Arna Baartz, Brenda Oelbaum, Daniel Cox, Elizabeth Ogletree, Fig Ally, Glen Rogers, Hollie Holden, Jakki Moore, Jassy Watson, Jen Cooper, Joey Hartmann-Dow, Kat Shaw, Kitty Star, Leonor Murciano-Luna, PhD, Luisah Teish, Lydia Ruyle, Max Dashu, Molly Remer, Nicola O'Hanlon, Patricia Lynn Reilly, Pegi Eyers, Philomena van Rijswijk, Sharon Smith, Tamara Albanna and Trista Hendren Praise for Willendorf's Legacy “This is an anthology of personal, deep-felt reflections written by women who at long last are seeing themselves as beautiful and in the image of the Goddess.” -Miriam Robbins Dexter, Author of Whence the Goddesses, A Source Book and Sacred Display: Divine and Magical Female Figures of Eurasia “Women are rising and will continue to rise—coming out of the shadows of the underworld with the powers of transformation. This book offers a treasure trove of short articles written by a variety of contributors. It is a feast of the feminine and I highly recommend this book.” -Dr. Sharon Mijares. Author of The Power of the Feminine: Facing Shadow Evoking Light with Aliaa Rafea, Tenzin Dhardon Sharling, Joshua Amponsem, & Mary Rogers. “A surprisingly small statue was discovered near Willendorf and I have loved her since I first saw her. Mysteriously unfaced, deliciously round, solid, ultimate female. I used her image in my book, Embracing Willendorf: a Witch's Way of Loving Your Body to Health and Fitness and I used her to learn to love my voluptuous body when the culture told me it was ugly and wrong. This new book continues that work in a fresh and exciting way and I whole-heartedly recommend it. Well organized and well written, Willendorf's Legacy: The Sacred Body, is a careful compilation of writings about the history of women's bodies, both sacred and defiled. This book should be read by women, young and old and in-between, and discussed in groups and workshops and conferences. The time is now to smash through the barriers that keep women from full participation in the world and this book lays the foundation for women's strength and self-confidence. Physical power begins with loving our bodies and treating them (and therefore ourselves) with respect and the deepest love. Get it. Read it. Live it. The time is now.” -H. Byron Ballard, priestess, witch, author
Merlin Stone
The landmark exploration of the ancient worship of the Great Goddess and the eventual supression of women's rites. In the beginning, God was a woman... How did the shift from matriarchy to patriarchy come about? In fascinating detail, Merlin Stone tells us the story of the Goddess who reigned supreme in the Near and Middle East. Under her reign, societal roles differed markedly from those in patriarchal Judeo-Christian cultures: women bought and sold property, traded in the marketplace, and inherited title and land from their mothers. Documenting the wholesale rewriting of myth and religious dogmas, Merlin Stone describes an ancient conspiracy in which the Goddess was reimagined as a wanton, depraved figure, a characterization confirmed and perpetuated by one of modern culture's best-known legends??―??that of the fall of Adam and Eve. Insightful and thought-provoking, this is essential reading for anyone interested in the origin of current gender roles and in rediscovering women's power.
Miriam Robbins Dexter,
Vicki Noble
Forty years ago, the Second Wave Feminist Movement was in full swing in America. Besides fighting for legal issues such as equal pay in the marketplace and the right to have a credit card or keep one's own name, feminists demanded women's health and reproductive rights, marriage reform, and sexual freedom. Radical women began to question the very concept of God as male, with "man in his image," and from this revolutionary brew, the Women's Spirituality movement was born. Just as foam-born Aphrodite arose from the sea, the revolutionary Goddess movement arose to inspire women around the country and the world to begin researching ancient worldwide Goddess-based cultures and to create spontaneous circles of women's ritual and Goddess worship. Some called themselves witches, leaving the church or temple to start covens or churches of their own; others worked within mainstream religious frameworks to bring the "feminine" into what had earlier been male-only priesthoods and doctrines. This seeming explosion of creative religious expression on the part of contemporary Western women is the thematic focus of this book; the 33 chapters are the individual stories of the movement's founders in their own words. This is an important book for Women's Studies and the study of Women's Spirituality.
Deirdre English,
Barbara Ehrenreich
Witches, Midwives, and Nurses examines how women-led healing was delegitimized to make way for patriarchy, capitalism, and the emerging medical industry. As we watch another agonizing attempt to shift the future of healthcare in the United States, we are reminded of the longevity of this crisis, and how firmly entrenched we are in a system that doesn't work. First published by the Feminist Press in 1973, Witches, Midwives, and Nurses is an essential book about the corruption of the medical establishment and its historic roots in witch hunters. In this new and updated edition, Barbara Ehrenreich and Deirdre English delve into the current fascination with and controversies about witches, exposing our fears and fantasies. They build on their classic exposé on the demonization of women healers and the political and economic monopolization of medicine. This quick history brings us up-to-date, exploring today's changing attitudes toward childbirth, alternative medicine, and modern-day witches.
Marlene Derlet,
Judy Foster
Based on many years of research into ancient history and prehistory, this insightful tome argues that three million years of peace—a period when women’s status in society was much higher than it is now—preceded the last 6,000 years of war during which men have come to hold power over women. The book challenges the idea accepted in academia that history is a linear development in which society is steadily moving out of a violent and patriarchal past to a more equitable and peaceful future, and it reexamines both the archaeological work of Marjia Gimbutas and recent research into the prehistories of Africa, Asia, the Americas, and Australia and Oceania.