Blue Train Books

By Blue Train Books

Train Books and Books About Trains

This is our list of train books, for adults and children. Railroad history, train engines, train travel, and even dining on trains.


Funny story: our used bookstore in Hogansville, GA called Blue Train Books is actually named after the legendary jazz album by John Coltrane, Blue Train. At the same time, our store is right next to a historic 19th century train depot, a stop on the classic Atlanta-West Point Route. Plus, trains speed right by our store multiple times per day. 


So, we feature a classic steam train in our Blue Train Books logo, and we have lots of trains in the shop, including memorabilia from the old Blue Train Line. We even display the Johnny Cash album The Blue Train.  The train enthusiasts who visit our humble small town used bookstore give us a puzzled look when we tell them it all started with the Coltrane album.

bookcover for A Train Journey

A Train Journey

Gérard Lo Monaco 



bookcover for Epic Train Journeys

Epic Train Journeys


Monisha Rajesh 



bookcover for A History of Georgia Railroads

A History of Georgia Railroads

Robert C. Jones 



bookcover for A History of Maine Railroads

A History of Maine Railroads

Major Bill Kenny Usaf (Ret ), 

Former Maine Governor John Baldacci 



bookcover for Steam Train, Dream Train

Steam Train, Dream Train

Sherri Duskey Rinker, 

Tom Lichtenheld 



bookcover for Big Book Of Trains (Picture Book For Children)

Big Book Of Trains (Picture Book For Children)

Speedy Publishing LLC 



Thank you for checking out our list! Blue Train Books is a small community-supporting used bookstore in Hogansville, GA. Your purchases from our Bookshop storefront help support out bookstore, our community, and independent bookstores everywhere.