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By Kim-Van-Orden-PhD

I am a clinical psychologist who specializes in suicide prevention. My students and mentees often ask me for recommendations for books to read when they begin studying suicide prevention and my patients and their families often request recommendations for books to read to help loved ones or to heal from losses. This list is an attempt to keep those recommendations in one place; to update them more regularly; and to support local bookstores when sharing recommendations. 

bookcover for The Burn Journals: A Memoir

The Burn Journals: A Memoir

Brent Runyon 



bookcover for Hello I Want to Die Please Fix Me Lib/E: Depression in the First Person

Hello I Want to Die Please Fix Me Lib/E: Depression in the First Person

Anna Mehler Paperny, 

Kirsten Potter 



A memoir by a journalist who takes us along on her journey to learn about depression and suicide. She interviews current leaders in the field of depression and suicide prevention while also sharing her lived experience of multiple suicide attempts and inpatient psychiatric hospitalizations. Of note: the books does describe methods for suicide attempts in some detail, so readers/listeners should take care.

bookcover for Suicide Prevention: Stahl's Handbooks

Suicide Prevention: Stahl's Handbooks

Anthony R. Pisani, 

Christine Yu Moutier, 

Stephen M Stahl 



A concise and user-friendly overview of suicide prevention science and clinical care. Great for those new to the field and those who want the latest updates. Great for a course textbook.

bookcover for Furiously Happy: A Funny Book about Horrible Things

Furiously Happy: A Funny Book about Horrible Things

Jenny Lawson 



This hilarious, poignant, and thoughtful memoir describes the author’s journey with mental and physical illness. While suicide is not the primary focus of the book, managing suicidal thoughts does occur throughout the book. I find this book validating, comforting, and a reminder that life can be beautiful in the midst of illness even though it might not be easy.

bookcover for Oxford Textbook of Suicidology and Suicide Prevention

Oxford Textbook of Suicidology and Suicide Prevention

Danuta Wasserman 



This is a textbook I recommend for graduate students and postdoctoral fellows in suicide prevention research. It is a very useful overview of epidemiology, assessment, treatment, and prevention across the lifespan within a global perspective.

bookcover for The Practical Art of Suicide Assessment: A Guide for Mental Health Professionals and Substance Abuse Counselors

The Practical Art of Suicide Assessment: A Guide for Mental Health Professionals and Substance Abuse Counselors

Shawn Christopher Shea 


This is a book I recommend to more advanced trainees in psychology and psychiatry who want to learn techniques for the words to use in suicide risk assessments.

bookcover for Dialectical Behavior Therapy with Suicidal Adolescents

Dialectical Behavior Therapy with Suicidal Adolescents

Jill H. Rathus, 

Marsha M. Linehan, 

Alec L. Miller, 



This is the text I used when training in DBT as I was lucky enough to train with Dr. Miller. Even for those not working with adolescents, this book is an excellent resource for learning and implementing DBT with patients of all ages.

bookcover for Phone Coaching in Dialectical Behavior Therapy

Phone Coaching in Dialectical Behavior Therapy

Alexander L. Chapman 



While this book is focused on phone coaching in the context of providing comprehensive Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT), it is applicable to the treatment of all patients with suicidal thoughts. Phone coaching can be one of the most challenging skills to master as a therapist and this book is akin to a master class with an expert therapist.

bookcover for Chain Analysis in Dialectical Behavior Therapy

Chain Analysis in Dialectical Behavior Therapy

Shireen L. Rizvi 



This practical book helps clinicians master one of the most challenging techniques in Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT)--chain analysis. Given the essential role of chain analysis in providing DBT, and that DBT has a strong evidence-base for preventing suicide attempts, mastering this technique is essential for psychotherapists who work with suicidal patients. For those unable to receive intensive training in DBT, and for those who have but want a refresher, this book is a gift. I use it when teaching psychology trainees and recommend it for new and experienced DBT clinicians alike!

bookcover for The Suicidal Thoughts Workbook: CBT Skills to Reduce Emotional Pain, Increase Hope, and Prevent Suicide

The Suicidal Thoughts Workbook: CBT Skills to Reduce Emotional Pain, Increase Hope, and Prevent Suicide

Kathryn Hope Gordon, 

Thomas Ellis Joiner 



This workbook is a wonderful resource for individuals who are coping with suicidal thoughts, either to work through with a therapist or to supplement professional help. It is also very useful for loved ones of individuals who are coping with suicidal thoughts. Finally, therapists may benefit from reading this book and incorporating its cognitive behavioral strategies for managing and reducing suicidal thoughts into their practice.

bookcover for Helping the Suicidal Person: Tips and Techniques for Professionals

Helping the Suicidal Person: Tips and Techniques for Professionals

Stacey Freedenthal 



Written by a wise, compassionate, and highly skilled clinician, educator, and expert in suicide prevention, this book provides practical guidance for clinicians in their work with suicidal patients. Dr. Freedenthal has also shared and written about her lived experiences with suicidal thoughts, which provides a rich context for appreciating her work.

bookcover for Myths about Suicide

Myths about Suicide

Thomas Joiner 



Information in this book is useful for anyone working in the field of suicide prevention, including in clinical or policy settings. The book is written by a leading scientist in suicide prevention, Dr. Thomas Joiner, who I was lucky enough to study with in graduate school. This book contains the clinical wisdom and key research findings that his students learn from him, but accessible to all!

bookcover for Why People Die by Suicide

Why People Die by Suicide

Thomas Joiner 



This was the first book I read in graduate school, written by my mentor, Dr. Thomas Joiner. It is useful for researchers, clinicians, and policy makers in suicide prevention, as well as the general public who want to know more about the causes of suicide. Some survivors of suicide (those who lost loved ones to suicide) have also found this book to be helpful when they wanted to better understand suicide in order to process their loss.

These recommendations are my views only and do not represent an endorsement by my university.