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Driftless Books and Music

By Driftless Books and Music

Shakespeare Authorship Question

Books related to the mystery of Who Wrote the works of Shakespeare...

bookcover for The New Oxford Shakespeare: Authorship Companion

The New Oxford Shakespeare: Authorship Companion

Gary Taylor, 

Gabriel Egan 


bookcover for The Poetry of Edward de Vere

The Poetry of Edward de Vere

Edward de Vere 


bookcover for In the Shadow of Shakespeare

In the Shadow of Shakespeare

Richard Vaughan Davies 



bookcover for In the Shadow of Shakespeare

In the Shadow of Shakespeare

Ellen Wilson, 

Jennifer Luitwieler 


bookcover for The Edward De Vere Remote Viewing Society

The Edward De Vere Remote Viewing Society

Roland O'Connor 



bookcover for Eros and Magic in the Renaissance

Eros and Magic in the Renaissance

Ioan P. Couliano, 

Margaret Cook 


bookcover for Early Shakespeare Authorship Doubts

Early Shakespeare Authorship Doubts

Bryan H. Wildenthal 


bookcover for Poems of Edward De Vere, 17th Earl of Oxford

Poems of Edward De Vere, 17th Earl of Oxford

Edward de Vere, 

Kit Ludlow 


bookcover for Twelve Years in the Life of Shakespeare

Twelve Years in the Life of Shakespeare

Hank Whittemore, 

William E Boyle 


bookcover for Shakespeare's Secrets

Shakespeare's Secrets

Aaron F. Tatum 

