Short Film Starring My Beloved's Red Bronco Reconstructions Colin Is Changing His Name Hoodwitch Sweetbitter Thresh & Hold Swan Hammer: An Instructor's Guide to Mirrors
Heard-Hoard In Full Velvet Sacrilegion Scapegoat Alive at the End of the World Colin Is Changing His Name So Tall It Ends in Heaven: Poems
Alive at the End of the World So Tall It Ends in Heaven: Poems Scapegoat Lesbian Fashion Struggles Him or Her or Whatever Him or Her or Whatever Gumbo YA YA
Sweetbitter In Full Velvet Lesbian Fashion Struggles The Tradition Sacrilegion Thresh & Hold Hoodwitch

Poetry of the Queer South: A Curated List by C.T. Salazar

By Acre Books

Poetry of the Queer South: A Curated List by C.T. Salazar

Him or Her or Whatever

Tyler Friend


So Tall It Ends in Heaven: Poems

Jayme Ringleb


Lesbian Fashion Struggles

Caroline Earleywine



Stacey Balkun


Colin Is Changing His Name

John Andrews



L. Lamar Wilson


In Full Velvet

Jenny Johnson



Faylita Hicks


Thresh & Hold

Marlanda Dekine


Alive at the End of the World

Saeed Jones



T. K. Lee



Atsuro Riley


Swan Hammer: An Instructor's Guide to Mirrors

Maggie Graber


The Tradition

Jericho Brown


Gumbo YA YA

Aurielle Marie



Bradley Trumpfheller
