Chosen Tales: Stories Told by Jewish Storytellers Jewish Stories of Love and Marriage: Folktales, Legends, and Letters Tales of Elijah the Prophet The Chanukah Blessing The Magic Pomegranate: [A Jewish Folktale] Apple Tree's Discovery, the PB The Chanukah Blessing
Jewish Stories One Generation Tells Another (Revised) The Chanukah Blessing Jewish Stories One Generation Tells Another (Revised) Stories Within Stories: From the Jewish Oral Tradition Jewish Stories of Love and Marriage: Folktales, Legends, and Letters Jewish Stories of Love and Marriage: Folktales, Legends, and Letters Apple Tree's Discovery, the PB
The Magic Pomegranate: [A Jewish Folktale] Tales of Elijah the Prophet Chosen Tales: Stories Told by Jewish Storytellers Chosen Tales: Stories Told by Jewish Storytellers Jewish Stories One Generation Tells Another (Revised) Chosen Tales: Stories Told by Jewish Storytellers The Chanukah Blessing
The Magic Pomegranate: [A Jewish Folktale] Tales of Elijah the Prophet Stories Within Stories: From the Jewish Oral Tradition Stories Within Stories: From the Jewish Oral Tradition The Magic Pomegranate: [A Jewish Folktale] Stories Within Stories: From the Jewish Oral Tradition Apple Tree's Discovery, the PB

Peninnah Schram

By Tablet Studios

Peninnah Schram

The Magic Pomegranate: [A Jewish Folktale]

Peninnah Schram and Melanie Hall


The Chanukah Blessing

Peninnah Schram and Jeffrey Allon


Jewish Stories of Love and Marriage: Folktales, Legends, and...

Peninnah Schram and Sandy Eisenberg Sasso


Apple Tree's Discovery, the PB

Rachayl Eckstein Davis, Peninnah Schram, et al.


Tales of Elijah the Prophet

Peninnah Schram
