By Book Beat
A small selection of YA faves from Book Beat. We LOVE YA Books!
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By Book Beat
A small selection of YA faves from Book Beat. We LOVE YA Books!
Thank you for shopping at Book Beat! Your support is appreciated, and critical for our success. If any books are out-of-stock at Bookshop, email us at [email protected] or call us at; 248-968-1190. Our physical store keeps most Bookshop titles we post in stock (plus many, many more) and we offer free giftwrapping and fair shipping charges.
If you need a title quickly or in higher quantities we can help. If you are in the metro Detroit area stop by! Book Beat is located at 26010 Greenfield, Oak Park, MI 48237 Follow us on FaceBook , Instagram page, or subscribe to our newsletter and visit us online at
Shop Local, it matters! Serving the collective unconscious since 1982! #SaveIndieBookstores