By Raising Luminaries
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Unstoppable: (Family Read-Aloud Book, Silly Book about Cooperation)
Adam Rex,
Laura Park
The Teachers March!: How Selma's Teachers Changed History
Sandra Neil Wallace,
Rich Wallace,
Charly Palmer
What We Believe: A Black Lives Matter Principles Activity Book
Laleña Garcia,
Caryn Davidson
The Book Itch: Freedom, Truth & Harlem's Greatest Bookstore
Vaunda Micheaux Nelson,
R. Gregory Christie
The Power Book: What Is It, Who Has It, and Why?
Mik Scarlet,
Claire Saunders,
Minna Salami,
Pies from Nowhere: How Georgia Gilmore Sustained the Montgomery Bus Boycott
Dee Romito,
Laura Freeman
Last Week Tonight with John Oliver Presents: A Day in the Life of Marlon Bundo
Marlon Bundo,
Chronicle Books,
Jill Twiss
All the Way to the Top: How One Girl's Fight for Americans with Disabilities Changed Everything
Annette Bay Pimentel,
Nabi H. Ali,
Jennifer Keelan-Chaffins
Side by Side/Lado a Lado: The Story of Dolores Huerta and Cesar Chavez/La Historia de Dolores Huerta Y César Chávez (Bilingual English-Spanish)
Monica Brown,
Joe Cepeda
What Do You Do with a Voice Like That?: The Story of Extraordinary Congresswoman Barbara Jordan
Chris Barton,
Ekua Holmes
Yours for Justice, Ida B. Wells: The Daring Life of a Crusading Journalist
Philip Dray,
Stephen Alcorn
Strange Fruit: Billie Holiday and the Power of a Protest Song
Gary Golio,
Charlotte Riley-Webb
The Youngest Marcher: The Story of Audrey Faye Hendricks, a Young Civil Rights Activist
Cynthia Levinson,
Vanessa Brantley-Newton
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By Raising Luminaries
Find more at
Adam Rex,
Laura Park
Sandra Neil Wallace,
Rich Wallace,
Charly Palmer
Laleña Garcia,
Caryn Davidson
Vaunda Micheaux Nelson,
R. Gregory Christie
Mik Scarlet,
Claire Saunders,
Minna Salami,
Dee Romito,
Laura Freeman
Marlon Bundo,
Chronicle Books,
Jill Twiss
Annette Bay Pimentel,
Nabi H. Ali,
Jennifer Keelan-Chaffins
Monica Brown,
Joe Cepeda
Chris Barton,
Ekua Holmes
Philip Dray,
Stephen Alcorn
Gary Golio,
Charlotte Riley-Webb
Cynthia Levinson,
Vanessa Brantley-Newton
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