By Shop Escritoras Books
Del panorama literario por escritoras hay libros que se quedarán para siempre en nuestra imaginación / From the literary landscape by female authors, there are books that will forever stay in our imagination.
Desertores: El Auge de la Extrema Derecha Latina Y Su Repercusión En Estados Uni DOS / Defectors
Paola Ramos
Like Water for Chocolate: A Novel in Monthly Installments with Recipes, Romances, and Home Remedies
Laura Esquivel
Apoyemos a editoriales que publican a escritoras del mundo hispanohablante porque valen la pena ser leídas. / Let's support publishers that publish works by female authors from the Spanish-speaking world because they are worth reading.
By Shop Escritoras Books
Del panorama literario por escritoras hay libros que se quedarán para siempre en nuestra imaginación / From the literary landscape by female authors, there are books that will forever stay in our imagination.
Agustina Bazterrica
Paola Ramos
Paola Ramos
Paola Ramos
Paola Ramos
Marie Arana
Laura Esquivel
Apoyemos a editoriales que publican a escritoras del mundo hispanohablante porque valen la pena ser leídas. / Let's support publishers that publish works by female authors from the Spanish-speaking world because they are worth reading.