By Blue Train Books
Novels and short story collections by acclaimed author Jeffrey Ford. Ford is well known for his consistently great short fiction, but his novels are excellent as well. One of those writers who is hard to fit into any genre box.
Thank you for checking out our list! Blue Train Books is a small community-supporting used bookstore in Hogansville, GA. Your purchases from our Bookshop storefront help support out bookstore, our community, and independent bookstores everywhere.
By Blue Train Books
Novels and short story collections by acclaimed author Jeffrey Ford. Ford is well known for his consistently great short fiction, but his novels are excellent as well. One of those writers who is hard to fit into any genre box.
Thank you for checking out our list! Blue Train Books is a small community-supporting used bookstore in Hogansville, GA. Your purchases from our Bookshop storefront help support out bookstore, our community, and independent bookstores everywhere.