Poets & Writers

By Poets & Writers

Get the Word Out: 2023 Fiction Cohort

Poets & Writers is pleased to share the new titles authored by the writers selected for the current fiction cohort for Get the Word Out, a unique publicity incubator for early career authors. In fall 2023, we selected ten fiction writers with their first books slated for publication and, over a twelve-week intensive workshop led by publicist May Zhee Lim, helped them develop and execute a publicity plan to maximize the exposure of their first book, reach readers, and propel their literary careers.


Join us for a celebratory reading of their work on Friday, February 23, 2024 at 7:00 PM ET. This event is free. Click here for more info and to RSVP.

Get the Word Out was developed with funding from Leonard and Louise Riggio, with additional support from Macmillan Publishers.

bookcover for Blue Light Hours

Blue Light Hours

Bruna Dantas Lobato 



bookcover for Keep A'Livin'

Keep A'Livin'

Kathya Alexander 



bookcover for Inside the Mirror

Inside the Mirror

Parul Kapur 



bookcover for A Good Happy Girl

A Good Happy Girl

Marissa Higgins 



bookcover for Mystery Lights

Mystery Lights

Lena Valencia 



bookcover for Women! In! Peril!

Women! In! Peril!

Jessie Ren Marshall 



bookcover for Broughtupsy


Christina Cooke 



bookcover for Smothermoss


Alisa Alering 



bookcover for Blood on the Brain

Blood on the Brain

Esinam Bediako 



Books by the following Get the Word Out authors are not yet available for pre-order on Bookshop. We will update this page when they become available.


Lynn Stansbury is a writer, community medicine physician, and epidemiologist who has lived and worked all over the United States and the world but who came of age in the Peace Corps in Guatemala during the Vietnam War era. A writer since childhood, her fiction and her medical research and writing investigate lived experience, always with the aim of crossing borders. She lives now with her husband in Seattle and keeps tabs on family in Wisconsin and New Zealand. Not All Dead Together will be published by Chin Music Press in 2024.