By Important, Not Important
The best books to get you up to speed on all things health, from nutrition to cancer to public health to biotech, and more
The Good Life: Lessons from the World's Longest Scientific Study of Happiness
Robert Waldinger,
Marc Schulz
Native American DNA: Tribal Belonging and the False Promise of Genetic Science
Kim Tallbear
Life as We Made It: How 50,000 Years of Human Innovation Refined--And Redefined--Nature
Beth Shapiro
The Joy of Living: Unlocking the Secret and Science of Happiness
Yongey Mingyur Rinpoche,
Eric Swanson,
Daniel Goleman
Thank You for Being Late: An Optimist's Guide to Thriving in the Age of Accelerations (Version 2.0, with a New Afterword)
Thomas L. Friedman
Nonviolent Communication: A Language of Life: Life-Changing Tools for Healthy Relationships
Marshall B. Rosenberg,
Deepak Chopra
Final Exit (Third Edition): The Practicalities of Self-Deliverance and Assisted Suicide for the Dying
Derek Humphry
The Food Revolution: How Your Diet Can Save Your Life and Our World (Plant Based Diet, Food Politics)
John Robbins,
Dean Ornish
The China Study Solution: The Simple Way to Lose Weight and Reverse Illness, Using a Whole-Food, Plant-Based Diet
Thomas M Campbell,
T. Colin Campbell
How Not to Die: Discover the Foods Scientifically Proven to Prevent and Reverse Disease
Michael Greger,
Gene Stone
The Code Breaker: Jennifer Doudna, Gene Editing, and the Future of the Human Race
Walter Isaacson
By Important, Not Important
The best books to get you up to speed on all things health, from nutrition to cancer to public health to biotech, and more
Mariam Gates,
Margarita Surnaite
Robert Waldinger,
Marc Schulz
Katrina Karkazis
Kim Tallbear
Beth Shapiro
Yongey Mingyur Rinpoche,
Eric Swanson,
Daniel Goleman
Thomas L. Friedman
Marshall B. Rosenberg,
Deepak Chopra
Derek Humphry
John Robbins,
Dean Ornish
Thomas M Campbell,
T. Colin Campbell
Michael Greger,
Gene Stone
Will Bulsiewicz
Walter Isaacson