By Clear The Way's Recommendations
Kinship: Belonging in a World of Relations, 5-Volume Set
Gavin Van Horn,
John Hausdoerffer,
Robin Wall Kimmerer
Wild Fermentation: The Flavor, Nutrition, and Craft of Live-Culture Foods, 2nd Edition (Revised)
Sandor Ellix Katz,
Sally Fallon Morell
The Serviceberry: Abundance and Reciprocity in the Natural World
Robin Wall Kimmerer,
John Burgoyne
Braiding Sweetgrass: Indigenous Wisdom, Scientific Knowledge and the Teachings of Plants
Robin Wall Kimmerer
Restoring the Kinship Worldview: Indigenous Voices Introduce 28 Precepts for Rebalancing Life on Planet Earth
Wahinkpe Topa (Four Arrows),
Darcia Narvaez
The Evolved Nest: Nature's Way of Raising Children and Creating Connected Communities
Darcia Narvaez,
G. A. Bradshaw,
Gabor Maté
We Will Be Jaguars (Reese's Book Club Pick): A Memoir of My People
Mitch Anderson,
Nemonte Nenquimo
Sacred Earth, Sacred Soul: Celtic Wisdom for Reawakening to What Our Souls Know and Healing the World
John Philip Newell
By Clear The Way's Recommendations
Gavin Van Horn,
John Hausdoerffer,
Robin Wall Kimmerer
Sandor Ellix Katz,
Sally Fallon Morell
Robin Wall Kimmerer,
John Burgoyne
Robin Wall Kimmerer
Wahinkpe Topa (Four Arrows),
Darcia Narvaez
Darcia Narvaez,
G. A. Bradshaw,
Gabor Maté
Lyanda Lynn Haupt
Mitch Anderson,
Nemonte Nenquimo
John Philip Newell