By Larry R. Smith
We believe in a sense of place and person, in writing that reveals through its directness an essential human story. We also support the history and development of Working Class Literature and Appalachian Literature, and we work to provide outlets for that writing and information on that vital art. We have headquarters in Huron, Ohio at PO Box 425, Huron, Ohio 44839.
Terry Hermsen,
Cadine Navarro
A Marvelous collection of art, nature, and poetry.
Jeanne Bryner
Jeanne Bryner's big collection of poems from her career.
Timothy Russell,
Jodi Russell,
Marc Harshman,
The collected works of this fine working-class poet, linking nature, family, culture, and industry
Larry Smith,
Barbara Sabol
Larry D. Thacker
New in Appalachian Writing Series
Richard Hague
Larry Smith,
Charles Dodd White,
Mary Sue Willis,
SERIES: Working Lives--Harmony--Memoir--Appalachian--Paul laurence Dunbar--Laughing Buddha