By Sally Jean Fox, PhD
Feed Your Creative Spark - at any age
And There Was Light: The Extraordinary Memoir of a Blind Hero of the French Resistance in World War II
Jacques Lusseyran
Meeting the Muse After Midlife: A Journey to Meaning, Creativity, and Joy
Sally Jean Fox
Deep Creativity: Seven Ways to Spark Your Creative Spirit
Dennis Patrick Slattery,
Jennifer Leigh Selig,
Deborah Anne Quibell,
It's Never Too Late to Begin Again: Discovering Creativity and Meaning at Midlife and Beyond
Emma Lively,
Julia Cameron
Art & Fear: Observations on the Perils (and Rewards) of Artmaking
David Bayles,
Ted Orland
By Sally Jean Fox, PhD
Feed Your Creative Spark - at any age
Jacques Lusseyran
Sally Jean Fox
Mary Gabriel
Dennis Patrick Slattery,
Jennifer Leigh Selig,
Deborah Anne Quibell,
Shaun McNiff
Emma Lively,
Julia Cameron
David Bayles,
Ted Orland