Extinction: Our Fragile Relationship with Life on Earth Remote Experiences. Extraordinary Travel Adventures from North to South Sperm Whales: The Gentle Goliaths of the Ocean Remote Experiences. Extraordinary Travel Adventures from North to South Leonhart Fuchs. the New Herbal Ambulance Chasers Birds: Poetry in the Sky (English and German)
From the Seashore to the Seafloor: An Illustrated Tour of Sandy Beaches, Kelp Forests, Coral Reefs, and Life in the Ocean's Depths Donatello: The Renaissance Seeing Science: The Art of Making the Invisible Visible Apollo Remastered: The Ultimate Photographic Record Anna Atkins: Blue Prints Sperm Whales: The Gentle Goliaths of the Ocean Remembering Bears
Orbital Planes: A Personal Vision of the Space Shuttle: Photographs by Roland Miller Wildlife Photographer of the Year: Portfolio 31: Volume 31 Brad Wilson: The Other World: Animal Portraits Our America: A Photographic History Science Illustration. a History of Visual Knowledge from the 15th Century to Today Apollo Remastered: The Ultimate Photographic Record Fascinating Shells: An Introduction to 121 of the World's Most Wonderful Mollusks
Flamingo (English, German and Spanish) Flamingo (English, German and Spanish) Brad Wilson: The Other World: Animal Portraits Ocean: Exploring the Marine World Birds: Poetry in the Sky (English and German) Wildlife Photographer of the Year: Portfolio 31: Volume 31 Trees: From Root to Leaf

Best photo albums of the year (so far!)

By The ScienceBorg Librarian

Best photo albums of the year (so far!)

Sperm Whales: The Gentle Goliaths of the Ocean

Gaelin Rosenwaks


Brad Wilson: The Other World: Animal Portraits

Brad Wilson


Flamingo (English, German and Spanish)

Claudio Contreras Koob


Birds: Poetry in the Sky (English and German)

Christian Spencer


Remote Experiences. Extraordinary Travel Adventures from...

David de Vleeschauwer and Debbie Pappyn


Ocean: Exploring the Marine World

Phaidon Editors


From the Seashore to the Seafloor: An Illustrated Tour of...

Janet Voight and Peggy MacNamara


Trees: From Root to Leaf

Paul Smith


Our America: A Photographic History

Kenneth Burns


Donatello: The Renaissance


Anna Atkins: Blue Prints

Rolf Sachsse


Leonhart Fuchs. the New Herbal

Werner Dressendörfer


Remembering Bears

Wildlife Photographers United and Margot Raggett


Ambulance Chasers

David Joselit and Abraham Adams
