By Destination: Books
Recent postings from The Book Shopper blog refer to these excellent books.
Howard Bryant
An excellent biography for baseball fans that need something worthy to read in the off season
Teju Cole
Sebaldian -- which is word I made up as it reminds one of a W.G. Sebald novel
Karl Ove Knausgaard,
Don Bartlett
Selected as one of the best Books Read in 2024
Karl Ove Knausgaard,
Don Bartlett
Selected as one of the Best Books Read in 2024
Murray Browne
This is the book that started it all -- holds up well.
Robin Wall Kimmerer
Selected as one of the Best Books Read in2024
Ron Chernow
A sweeping saga of one of country's most underrated Presidents
Greg Brooking
Covers what caused the Revolutionary War in Georgia via its first governor.
Saidiya Hartman
Hartman uses a unique voice and style to bring to life a forgotten history of these women.
Hilary Mantel
A short, bittersweet evocative memoir. Best books read in 2023
David Maraniss
Thorpe's athletic career in football, baseball, and track and a look at the lifelong prejudices Thorpe encountered as Sac and Fox Indian, born in 1887.
Kim Stanley Robinson
Ultimately a hopeful book (speculative novel) on how the planet might look in the near future.
Judith Schalansky,
Christine Lo
A rare mix of essay and infographics and book art.
Judith Schalansky,
Jackie Smith
Scholarly and personal. Schlansky's Atlas is better, but this is more readily available and good reading.
Jonathan Franzen
Is Franzen a misanthropic optimist or optimistic misanthrope? Find out.
S. C. Gwynne
If it hadn't been for the Comanches, Texas would be in Mexico.
Jorge Carrión,
Peter Bush
More reasons not to buy your books at Amazon.
The Book Shopper Blog has been posting "musings about book and book culture" since 2008. It began with The Book Shopper: A Life in Review (2009) published by Paul Dry Books. Destination: Books is an independent popup and online book shop. Murray Browne is both Creator and Destroyer of the blog and the book shop. This book is made up of the best books he's read in the last couple of years.