2018 Great Group Reads
By Women's National Book Association (WNBA)Great Group Reads is an annual list that the Women's National Book Association (WNBA) produces. Each year's list is chosen from books publishers feel are perfect for shared reading and discussion.
The 2018 Great Group Reads list includes books that explore social issues such as racism, immigration, the environment, healthcare, mental health, genocide, and women's issues.
The Home for Unwanted Girls: The Heart-Wrenching, Gripping Story of a Mother-Daughter Bond That Could Not Be Broken - Inspired by True Events
Joanna Goodman
$16.99 $15.802018 Great Group Reads Selection
Tigerbelle: The Wyomia Tyus Story
Elizabeth Terzakis and Wyomia Tyus
$39.952018 Great Group Reads Selection
About the Women’s National Book Association (WNBA): The Women’s National Book Association is a professional organization dedicated to promoting books and literacy and to supporting women in the book world. Formed in 1917 by a group of female booksellers in New York City who were not allowed to join the all-male booksellers’ organizations, the WNBA continues to advocate for equality and representation in the book world. The WNBA welcomes members of all genders and professions.
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