12 Climate Fiction (Cli-Fi) Must Reads!
Climate Fiction, sometimes called Cli-Fi, is a genre of science-fiction concerned with the effects of climate change. If you're passionate about our planet and enjoy sci-fi, post-apocalyptic stories, or fiction in general, these are for you! Reading climate fiction, just like good science fiction, can help us speculate about what our future might look like and what we can do to change that if we don't like what we see. And because climate change is such a complex subject, different books let us explore the different nuances involved. Some stories might explore how climate change is interlaced with class and race, while others might explore politics and the economy. To that point, having a wide array of perspectives is important to get the full picture, so this list does aim to be diverse, but please be aware that there are a ton of other wonderful authors and books out there dealing with climate fiction that are also extraordinary!