Bookshop logo with a clicking finger icon

Linking to and Affiliate Widget Guide makes it easy to link to any book and support independent bookstores with every sale, whether or not you’re an affiliate.

Purple Link Icon

How to Link to a Specific Book:

Linking Instructions for Affiliates

If you ARE an affiliate, you can use your personal links with your affiliate ID to make sure you get credit for all sales (note, your shop page and all your lists are affiliate links too!) Affiliate links to a specific book are constructed like this: you don’t know your affiliate ID or an ISBN, no worries! Log in to your account, search for the book, and scroll down on the page. You’ll see your affiliate link about ½ way down the product page, like this:

Screenshot showing the affiliate link location, and where to copy affiliate link code.
Linking Instructions for Non-Affiliates

If you’re NOT an affiliate, and you know the book’s ISBN, use the format: to link to any book. If you don’t know the ISBN, just search for the title on and once you’re on the book’s page, copy the URL from the search bar.

Finger pointing icon

Anyone linking to the site can use buy buttons (at the bottom of this page).

(If you’re an affiliate, you can earn 10% of all purchases for yourself or your organization, and a matching 10% will go to support indie bookstores! Start here.

Teal Plus-Sign Icon

How to Add a Widget to Your Site

Our embeddable widgets are an excellent way to implement a direct link from your website to To add these widgets to your website, simply search the book you wish to promote on our platform. Scroll down to "Embeddable Affiliate Widgets" and copy the widget code you desire to add to your site. Then proceed to paste the code into your website’s source code.

Using Search Box Widgets
Search window picture with a magnifying glass and a red "search" button'
Using Buy Button Widgets
"Buy on Bookshop" button
Using Book Widgets
Using Featured Book Widgets
Using List Widgets
Red Share Icon Buy Buttons

For use on any website. No code or affiliate account needed! Simply copy the button and use with a Bookshop link.

Example of a Buy Button
Example of a Buy Button
Example of a Buy Button
Example of a Buy Button
Example of a Buy Button