Books by Tia Williams
Laura Minter and Tia Williams are two creative momsbased in Brighton, UK. They started Little Button Diaries, their crafting
and baking blog, in 2013 and its popularity has seen them blog for companies
such as Paperchase, Laura Ashley, Halfords and Hobbycraft as well as contributing to The Sun and magazines including Creativity, Essentials and Mollie Makes. Tia has worked as an
environmental adviser and studied Linguistics at university with a focus on
child language acquisition and disorders. Since 2016,
they have written a variety of craft books for kids and parents such as;
Science School, Kitchen Science, The
Horrible Craft Book, The Big Book of 100 Little Activities, The Big Book
of 100 Outdoor Activities and The Big
Book of Dressing Up.
Instagram @littlebuttondiaries (32.5k followers)
Twitter @LButtonDiaries
The Big Book of Dressing Up: 40 Fun Projects to Make with Kids
Tia Williams and Laura Minter
The Horrible Craft Book: 30 Macabre Makes to Freak Out Your...
Tia Williams and Laura Minter
The Big Book of 100 Stem Activities: Science Technology...
Tia Williams and Laura Minter