Books by Sandy Eisenberg Sasso
Rabbi Sandy Eisenberg Sasso is the author of The Shema in the Mezuzah (National Jewish Book Award), and Regina Persisted: An Untold Story, as well as of Judy Led the Way, God's Paintbrush, Sally Opened Doors, and many other children's books. Her latest books are I Am Not Afraid: Psalm 23 for Bedtime and Miriam's Dancing Shoes. She is Senior Rabbi Emerita at Congregation Beth-El Zedeck in Indianapolis, founder of the Religion, Spirituality, and the Arts Initiative at Indiana University at Indianapolis, Herron School of Art and Design, and cofounder of Women4Change Indiana. She lives in Indianapolis.Titles
The Story of and: The Little Word That Changed the World
Sandy Eisenberg Sasso and Joani Keller Rothenberg
¿Quién Cuenta?: 100 Ovejas, 10 Monedas Y 2 Hijos
Amy-Jill Levine, Sandy Eisenberg Sasso, et al.
The Marvelous Mustard Seed (Korean Edition)
Sandy Eisenberg Sasso, Margaux Meganck, et al.
The Raven and the Dove, the Big Fish, and the Stubborn...
Sandy Eisenberg Sasso and Roy DeLeon
Sally Opened Doors: The Story of the First Woman Rabbi
Sandy Eisenberg Sasso and Margeaux Lucas