Books by Raymond M. Smullyan


Raymond M. Smullyan, an internationally known mathematical logician, is the author of several books including Alice in Puzzle Land, This Book Needs No Title, and Five Thousand B.C. and Other Philosophical Fantasies.


The Tao Is Silent

Raymond M. Smullyan


The Lady or the Tiger?: And Other Logic Puzzles

Raymond M. Smullyan


Satan, Cantor & Infinity: Mind-Boggling Puzzles

Raymond M. Smullyan


Set Theory and the Continuum Problem

Raymond M. Smullyan and Melvin Fitting


Godel's Incompleteness Theorems

Raymond M. Smullyan


Alice in Puzzle-Land: A Carrollian Tale for Children Under...

Raymond M. Smullyan and Greer Fitting


A Beginner's Guide to Mathematical Logic

Raymond M. Smullyan


Recursion Theory for Metamathematics

Raymond M. Smullyan


The Gödelian Puzzle Book: Puzzles, Paradoxes and Proofs

Raymond M. Smullyan


First-Order Logic

Raymond M. Smullyan


Who Knows?: A Study of Religious Consciousness

Raymond M. Smullyan
