Books by Mem Fox


Mem Fox is an educator and international literacy expert, and her many acclaimed picture books for young children include Yoo-Hoo, Ladybug!; Hello Baby!; Baby Bedtime; I'm an Immigrant Too; the bestselling modern classics Ten Little Fingers and Ten Little Toes and Time for Bed; and, for adults, Reading Magic: Why Reading Aloud to Our Children Will Change Their Lives Forever. She lives in Adelaide, Australia. Visit her at


Night Noises

Mem Fox and Terry Denton


Tough Boris

Mem Fox and Kathryn Brown


Reading Magic: Why Reading Aloud to Our Children Will Change...

Mem Fox and Judy Horacek



Mem Fox and Aminah Brenda Lynn Robinson


Time for Bed Board Book

Mem Fox and Jane Dyer


Koala Lou

Mem Fox and Pamela Lofts


Harriet, You'll Drive Me Wild!

Mem Fox and Marla Frazee


Whoever You Are

Mem Fox and Leslie Staub


Possum Magic

Mem Fox and Julie Vivas


Hattie and the Fox

Mem Fox and Patricia Mullins


Baby Bedtime

Mem Fox and Emma Quay


Ten Little Fingers & Ten Little Toes/Diez Deditos de Las...

Mem Fox and Helen Oxenbury


The Goblin and the Empty Chair

Mem Fox, Diane Dillon, et al.


Tell Me about Your Day Today

Mem Fox and Lauren Stringer


Let's Count Goats!

Mem Fox and Jan Thomas


Hello Baby!

Mem Fox and Steve Jenkins


Ten Little Fingers and Ten Little Toes

Mem Fox and Helen Oxenbury


Where Is the Green Sheep?/Donde Esta La Oveja Verde? Board...

Mem Fox and Judy Horacek
