Books by Mark L. Prophet
Mark L. Prophet (1918-1973) and Elizabeth Clare Prophet (1939-2009), were visionary pioneers of modern spirituality and internationally renowned authors. Their books are published in more than 30 languages, and millions of copies have been sold online and in bookstores worldwide. Together, they built a worldwide spiritual organization that is helping thousands to find their way out of human problems and reconnect to their inner divinity. They walked the path of spiritual adeptship, advancing through the universal initiations common to mystics of both East and West. They taught about this path and described their own experiences for the benefit of all who desire to make spiritual progress. Mark and Elizabeth left an extensive library of spiritual teachings from the ascended masters and a thriving, worldwide community of people who study and practice these teachings.Titles
Atrae abundancia: Tecnicas espirituales para aumentar tu...
Elizabeth Clare Prophet and Mark L. Prophet
Parapsicologia: Vencer los encantos del mundo paranormal
Elizabeth Clare Prophet and Mark L. Prophet
El sendero del Yo Superior: Escala la montana mas alta
Elizabeth Clare Prophet and Mark L. Prophet
Creative Abundance: Keys to Spiritual and Material Prosperity
Elizabeth Clare Prophet and Mark L. Prophet
Keys to the Kindgom and New Dimensions of Being
Elizabeth Clare Prophet and Mark L. Prophet
Un entorno celestial: Conoce a los maestros capitulo 1
Elizabeth Clare Prophet, Mark L. Prophet, et al.