Books by Lee Holland
Lee Holland, known to his family as Grumpy, resides with his wife, Rosie in Van Buren, along with his adult children and four grandchildren. With a degree in history and the imagination of a youngster, he has been accused of being 76 years of age, going on eight. Lee created delightful historical fiction stories in A Chair in Time, featuring his granddaughters Sarah and Hannah. The girls work their way through interesting twists and turns as each story unfolds. Among the many characters in the adventures, Hannahand Sarah get to unknowingly meet their great, great grandparents. The adventures will be well worth your time. A Chair in Time is a continuation of Lee's first book, Welcome to my Chair.Titles
An Easter Egg Hunt for Jesus: God Gave Us Easter to Celebrate...
Susan Jones and Lee Holland
God's Love Is a Warm Cookie: Sharing with Others Is Sweet as...
Susan Jones and Lee Holland
Fiesta de Cumpleaños Para Jesús: Dios Nos Dio La Navidad Para...
Susan Jones and Lee Holland
An Easter Basket Filled with Love: Sharing the Joy and Grace...
Susan Jones and Lee Holland
Let's Learn about the Forest: A Seek-And-Find Story Through...
Zondervan and Lee Holland
Big Cat Phonics for Little Wandle Letters and Sounds Revised...
Catherine Baker and Lee Holland