Books by Colleen Doyle Bryant
Colleen Doyle Bryant is an expert on common decency and the author of five books and more than 50 learning resources about making good choices for the right reasons. Her Talking with Trees series for elementary students and Truth Be Told Quotes series for teens are used in curriculums around the world while parents and teachers download more than 100,000 of her learning resources on honesty, respect, responsibility, and more good traits each year. Her latest release for adults, Rooted in Decency: Finding inner peace in a world gone sideways, looks at how the decline in decency in society is affecting us personally, and how we can move forward to a place of more kindness and cooperation.Titles
Be Proud (of your choices): Honesty, Conscience, Growth Mindset
Colleen Doyle Bryant and Manuela Soriani
Be Bigger (than hurt feelings): Respect, Friendship, Managing...
Colleen Doyle Bryant and Manuela Soriani
What if? (Think it through): Responsibility, Respect, Empathy
Colleen Doyle Bryant and Manuela Soriani