Books by Carlos Ruiz Zafon


Carlos Ruiz Zafon is the author of several novels, including the international phenomenon The Shadow of the Wind. His work has been published in more than forty countries, translated into thirty different languages, and honored with numerous international awards, including the Edebe Award, Spain's most prestigious prize for young adult fiction. He divides his time between Barcelona and Los Angeles.


The Prince of Mist

Carlos Ruiz Zafon



Carlos Ruiz Zafon


The Shadow of the Wind

Carlos Ruiz Zafon


The Labyrinth of the Spirits

Carlos Ruiz Zafon


The Prince of Mist Lib/E

Carlos Ruiz Zafon


El Juego del Angel the Angel's Game

Carlos Ruiz Zafon


The Midnight Palace

Carlos Ruiz Zafon


The Watcher in the Shadows

Carlos Ruiz Zafon
