Books by Bart King


Bart King is a father, musician and artist, who studied creative writing at Columbia University's School of the Arts. He lives in Athens, Georgia, with his wife and daughter.


The Drake Equation

Bart King


Little Leonardo's Makerlab: Space

Bart King and Greg Paprocki


Little Leonardo's Makerlab: Robots

Bart King and Greg Paprocki


Little Leonardo's Makerlab Building

Bart King and Greg Paprocki


Juniper Gets Wet

Bart King and Jacob Wenzka


The Girl Who Kept Night In Her Closet

Bart King and Jacob Wenzka


Do NOT Read This Book At Bedtime

Bart King and Jacob Wenzka


Changeable Worlds: Deliverance

Bart King


Robot Soup

Bart King and Jacob Wenzka


Time Travel Inn

Bart King and María Pesado


Time Travel Inn 2

Bart King and María Pesado
